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Impingement no.63

Gary Woodley

27 June - 12 September 2015 PV. 26 June, 6 - 8pm

Accompanied with new publication
Summer closure: 1 August – 1 September 2015

Laure Genillard is pleased to present impingement no.63, a solo exhibition of an architectonic installation by Gary Woodley, accompanied by a publication.

Retaining his use of tape and his attention for two and three-dimensional forms, impingement no.63 demonstrates new investigations that advance the relationships of mathematics and physics to Euclidian and hyperbolic space. Woodley has focused on the mathematical concepts of ‘Tetrahedron, Octahedron and Icosahedron’ to provide substance and solidity to the confronted gallery space; one that pushes the viewer’s attention beyond the confinements of the building towards the exteriority of the space. New technological aides have enabled the artist to plot his forms out more accurately onto the space, such as photogrammetry (the science of making measurements from photographs) and CAD mapping technologies.

The impingement series comprises of large-scale architectonic topographies thrown onto architectural surfaces, initially conceived and inspired by the observation of soap bubble behaviour. A soap film’s seeming immateriality, unbroken spherical and sculptural form and ability to minimally utilise material to create a structure assisted Woodley in a real life visualisation of minimal geometric form. In a somewhat utopic enterprise, Woodley’s strategies on negative space have greatly aided the evolution and mapping of the modernist art and architectural movements. In releasing us from the commonplace ideas of line, plane and point, the artist has all together pushed our understanding of the workings and dynamics of habitable environments.

‘The concerns of edge, surface, boundary, the minimum amount of material necessary, back/front and inside/outside, relationships stay consistent. But when you pick up this lot and throw it at the architecture, another transformation takes place and another language is engaged. The questions of boundary are applied to the architecture, the gallery and where possible, the social situation within which these lie. The immaterial can now be approached as the architecture carries the form, surface is implied. More importantly the whole body is in there.’

Gary Woodley, 1994
List of impingements:

No.1.1982’Adjacent Spheres’, S.East Gallery London (not open to public)
No.2.1985’Passing Sphere I’, Downs Court Hackney (private)
No.3.1985’Passing Sphere II’, Downs Court Hackney (private)
No.4.1985 ‘Sphere with a volume equal to that of the room’Exhibiting Space, London
No.5.1986’Passing Sphere III’ Cannizaro Park, London
No.6.1986’Passing Sphere IV’ Galerie Hoffmann, Germany
No.7.1987’Two Ellipsoids’ Actualites, London
No.8.1987’Two Intersecting Planes, Limehouse Cut, London
No.9.1987’A Sphere of 50 metres Diameter’ Riverside Studios, London
No.10.1987’A Plane Through Three Spaces’ Reading University Gallery
No.11.1988’Parallel Planes and Spheric Corridor’ Cartwright Hall, Bradford
No.12.1988’Parallel Planes II’ Musée Cantonales,Sion, Switzerland
No.13.1988’The x,y,z axes Disrupted’ Galerie Niggendijker, Groningen, Netherlands
No.14.1988’Passing Sphere V’ Kunstverein, Ingolstadt, Germany
No.15.1988’Parallel Planes’ De Fabriek, Eindhoven, Netherlands
No.16.1989’Niche with Ellipsoid’ Small Mansion Arts Centre, London
No.17.1989’Three Planes: 67.5o, 45o, 22.5o’ Schloss Buchberg, Gars am Kamp, Austria
No.18.1989’Two Planes: 10o, 100o’ The Water Tower, Vlissingen, Netherlands
No.19.1989’Two Sets of Planes Intersecting’ Galerie Dionysus, Rotterdam, Netherlands
No.20.1990’Adjacent Spheres II’ Curwen Gallery, London
No.21.1990 ‘Two Planes: 10o, 100o II’ Kunsthaus, Nürnberg, Germany
No.22.1990’Tri-cusped Undulation Segmented’ Cairn Gallery, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire
No.23.1992’Cubic Volume with Stopped Corridor’ Scavi Archeologici, Verona ,Italy
No.24.1993’Interlocking Rectangular Volumes with Stopped Corridors’Galerie Lydie Rekow, Crest, France
No.25.1993’Rectangular Volume with Three Corridors’ Cairn Gallery, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire
No.26.1994’Two Closed Curves for Daniil Kharms’ Wilhelmsbad Theatre, Hanau, Germany
No.27.1994’Cruciform Meander’ Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern, Germany
No.28.1996’Tri-cusped Double Conic Undulation Disrupted’, ‘A’, London
No.29.1996’Tri-cusped Conic Undulation Disrupted’Kunstmuseum, Thun, Switzerland
No.30.1996’An array of elements about two x,y,z axes’Martha Stevns Gallery, Fressingfield, Suffolk
No.31.1996’Diagonal’Kettles Yard, Cambridge
No.32.1996 ‘Two cones with a common apex’School of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
No.33.1997’The x,y,z axes Disrupted II’ Galerie Lydie Rekow, Crest, France.
No.34.1998’Bi-cusped Double Conic Undulation Disrupted’ Sint-Lukasstichting, Brussels, Belgium
No.35.1999’Stopped Corridor’Bauhaus Stichting, Dessau, Germany.
No.36.1999 ‘Bi-cusped Conic Undulation Disrupted’Galerie Rytmogram, Bad Ischl, Austria
No.37.2000’Torus of elliptical section with a möbius transformation’Chelsea College of Art, London
No.38.2000’a bi-cusped and a tri-cusped conic undulation Feeringbury Manor, Feering, Colchester, Essex
with a common apex but of differing pitch’
No.39.2000’This Earth is a Flower’ International Artists Museum, Bydgoszcz, Poland
No.39a.2000’planar section’Trinity Hospital, Greenwich, London
No.40.2000 ‘method for turning a corner’ Kammerhofgalerie, Gmunden, Austria
No.41.2000’helix’ FourfoldGorchums museum, Gorinchem, Netherlands
No.42.2002’ellipsoid with pair of parallel ramped notches’ A Measure of Reality Kettles Yard, Cambridge
No.43.2002 ‘pair of tetrahedra with a common edge’Essor Gallery, London
No.44.2003’Enneper 1 surface’ The Gallery, Grange House, Guernsey
No.45.2003TraceWeymouth, Dorset
No.46.2004No titleMorley Gallery, London
No.47.2005ellipsoidChelseaSpace, London
No.48.2007‘Transformer’Woburn Research Space, UCL
No.49.2007 ‘Project Franchise’RC de Riumte, Ijmuiden and Beverwijk, Netherlands
No.50.2007sphere with a volume 4 times that of the room, Primary Space, Dalry School, Scotland
No.51.2007Enneper surface ‘Presque Rien’Laure Genillard Gallery, London
No.52.2008twisted elliptical section torus. ‘On Your Marks’Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London
No.53.2009ellipsoidKettles Yard at Tate Britain
No.54.2010elliptical helix, ‘material lightness’Flowers Central,London
No.55.2010double conic meander, ‘wish is in design’ RC de Ruimte Amsterdam, Netherlands
No.56.2010Boy’s surface, ‘Nothing is forever’ South London Gallery
No.57.2010for Ilya Chashnik, ‘Parallel Remix’ Leonard Hutton Gallery, New York, USA
No.58.2011loxodrome. Cairn GalleryPittenweem, Scotland
No.59.2012wave-windowThe Slade School and Construction, Derwent London
No.60.2012 wave wall, “A Wall is a Surface”Leandakatelouise, Shoreditch, London
No.61.2014Points of ContactNo Format, London
No.62.2014double helix, ‘Sukima – Schema’Laure Genillard Gallery, London