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Out of Eye

Sam Austen, Maria Cozma, Sebastian Jefford, Johanna Odersky, Alex Morrison

19 April - 15 June 2019 PV. 18 April, 6 - 8pm

“Out of Eye”: on a basic level, “out of” might simply mean “from”. Yet it is not difficult to imagine a second meaning, the suspicion of something removed, or cut out, of the eye. Going further, we might suggest a third reading: the beyond. Something out of the eye is, in part, something which lies outside the eye’s range; outside standard perception, cognition or experience.

This exhibition sees the encounter of five practices interested in cut-outs, fiction and cognitive estrangement. The works unveil lost and found narratives that reckon with their environment and frustrate our curiosity over what might lie beyond the radius of sight. Attention is paid to the activity of cutting and reconstructing images or texts as a method of freeing content from its original meaning and reappointing it to new systems of awareness. The dynamism of material, pictorial and historical relationships, together with the use of repetition and doubling, are used as strategies to terrorize and allure our attention, and confront apprehensions of reality.

Curated by Tony Tremlett

Babatunde Doherty
Hip-Hop Post-Mortem
June 7th 2019, 7pm

Image credits: Sam Austen, Hologram Burnt On To The Retina, 2018, Video and sound, 11:16mins